Saturday, December 7, 2019

PSW: The Colosseum - Ladder Match [Team Wallace vs Mayhem & Massacre (PSW Tag Team Championship)]

As the crew finishes getting the ring ready for the upcoming bout the sun sits on the horizon.

A.B.: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Colosseum. It is time to crown our tag team champions.

Shamoon: I cannot wait!

Dominga: Hey Alf, you've always said that the tag division and tag team were your favourite.

A.B.: That I did. It's the concept of coming together to achieve a common goal. Of casting aside egos and trusting someone else to have your back. It's a lot easier to make it in this business, as it is in life, with friends.

Dominga: Wow, that was... really corny, but I can respect it and given that the two teams are sets of brothers descended from wrestling legends. I'd say it fits.

Shamoon: So who are you guys rooting for?

A.B.: We are commentators, we must impartial and frankly-

Dominga: Alf, we are streaming live on the internet. Stop lying.

A.B. (Chuckles): Alright, fine. The Wallace brothers. They are masters their ring awareness is second to no one. This environment definitely suits them.

Dominga: Mayhem & Massacre. There are no rules in this match and they've got all manner of weapons at their disposal, but considering their combined destructive power, weapons will be overkill, plus I love that they're wildcards that we know little about.

A.B.: If this were pinfall or submission, I'd agree, but to win this match the competitors have to climb a ladder to grab the titles and big men aren't suited for heights. 

Ring Announcer: The following tag team contest is a ladder match and it is for the PSW Tag Team Championships.

The crowd goes wild as a high-pitched guitar riff plays. 

A.B.: Here they come!

Axel and Oscar run out, stop and cross their arms over their heads, creating an x symbol, while pointing their index fingers. 

Ring Announcer: Introducing first, from Brigg, England, Axel and Oscar, TEAM WALLACE!

They walk briskly to the ring, stopping to deliver high fives fist bumps to the crowd. Once inside the ring they climb the turnbuckles and do the same gesture from the stage. 

The lights go out, the stage is blackened and a sinister choir sings. Within the darkness stands two massive figures, one of them has glowing white eyes.

Shamoon: I think I feel another chill.

The two figures step out of the darkness slowly, staring straight ahead. Mộng Dữ's glowing white eyes become grey in the setting sunlight. The terrifying twins continue their slow march to the ring, the crowd remains completely silent. 

Dominga: It's almost hypnotic. I can't look away.

A.B.: Indeed, a truly awe-inspiring entrance. 

Ring Announcer: A-and the opponents,  Mộng Dư, Hốn Loạn, Mayhem & Massacre!

The twins split up at the base of the ramp and stand on either side of the ring. Axel and Oscar stand back-to-back (Axel facing Hốn Loạn, Oscar facing Mộng Dư), ready for a fight. Mộng and Loạn just continue staring as the music stops and the lights come back on. The bell rings. The Wallaces stay ready, begging the monsters to get in the ring, but they stay in their spots. They don't blink, they don't even appear to breathe, like statues.

Shamoon: I can't stand this tension.

Dominga: Me neither, somebody do something!

A.B.: Mộng Dư and Hốn Loạn standing right next to a ladder each.

Shamoon: Damn, I didn't even notice.

A.B.: The only way the Wallaces are going to get a hold of those ladders is if they go outside the ring and meet those goliaths head-on.

Dominga: Which would put them at a dangerous disadvantage. That's smart.

Shamoon: Why not try ganging up on twin, while the other is on the opposite side.

Dominga: Only you would be stupid enough to turn your back on one of those two.

Shamoon: Well, this stalemate can't last forever. Sooner or later one of these teams is going to have to make a move. 

Axel whispers something Oscar, who nods.  As they are they move to Hốn Loạn's side of the ring, the latter still standing motionless.

Dominga: What could they be planning?

A.B.: You'll see.

The Wallaces run to Mống Dư's side of the ring, seemingly to dive threw the ropes after him, but Hốn Loạn breaks from his post at frightening speed, preparing to coldcock both men, but runs into a double springboard back elbow to the face, knocking him down.

Shamoon: Wow!

A.B.: Only a true ring general like Axel could come up with a strategy like that.

The Wallaces kip up to a raucous applause. Mộng Dữ continues to stare at them. They go to the other side to grab the other ladder.  Hốn Loạn sits up as they slide it in. They grab it together and attempt to ram him with the top cap, but the seven footer catches and effortlessly pushes them both back, before dropping the ladder. 

The Wallaces recover quickly and duck under a clothesline and deliver a double dropkick into the ropes. They proceed to furiously unload on the giant. Mộng Dữ still watches.

Shamoon: Why isn't Mộng Dữ doing anything?

A.B.: What I wouldn't give to know what was going through that man's mind. 

Hốn Loạn grabs the Wallace brothers by the throat, preparing to chokeslam them, but they kick him in the gut. They attempt a double suplex, but the big man counters with one of his own to the brothers. He drags them to the centre of the ring, grabs them each by the throat, lifts them up above his head and slams them back down.

Dominga: That strength. It's unholy!

A.B.: And it looks like Mộng Dữ is finally on the move.

Mộng Dữ slides into the ring as his brother places the ladder under the dangling belts.

A.B.: Is he just going to grab the belts? He didn't do a thing.

Dominga: He didn't need to. Didn't you say something about trusting your partner? That's what he did.

A.B.: But this is-

Dominga: Well within the rules of the match.

Mộng Dữ climbs the ladder and grabs the title. The reaction is mixed. Some members of the audience boo the disrespect to long time fan favorites, the Wallaces. The others cheer the incredible showcase of strength and cunning.

Ring Announcer: Here are your winners and new Tag Team Champions, MAYHEM & MASSACRE!!

The twins nonchalantly stare down at their opponents, or more accurately victims. 

Dominga: I've got new favourites for life!

A.B.: I still can't believe what we just saw. I can't remember the last time I saw Axel or Oscar destroyed in such fashion and by one man, no less. 

Shamoon: I am terrified to see what comes next.

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